Shared Economic Prosperity
In 2018, Michiganders resoundingly voiced support for higher wages and earned paid sick time for all workers. However during lame duck, the GOP gutted essential provisions of the legislation resulting in a delay and decrease in fair wages and essential time off. Our hope is that working people across the state will get the pay increases and time off they deserve. Follow this fight here.
Labor Organizations
Strong labor organizations have long been the backbone of strong communities. However, with the passage of “right-to-work” laws during a lame duck session under GOP leadership, union organizing has suffered greatly. With new Democratic leadership in Michigan we’re advocating for the repeal of these unjust laws and once again making our state a place where workers rights are actually protected. Learn more about this legislation and the fight in Lansing here.
Take Action in Your Community
In solidarity with our allies across the state, we’ve worked to advocate for legislation that enshrines equitable taxation at all levels, repeals the pensioners tax, and increases the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) so that our state is a place where resources and responsibilities are no longer lop-sided,where people can actually enjoy their hard earned dollars, and where being poor isn’t penalized.
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